Mailing Lists

Hello everyone, I have started setting up some mailing lists for certain writing things. I have a main list that is set up for any and all updates to do with my writing and publishing journey, I will send a newsletter out at the end of each week, updating on the status of each of my books, and any new projects that I may be working on.

Publishing Updates

I also have a list for writing prompts that will be sent out every Wednesday, or as often as I can keep up with them. I may start running small short story writing contests that will be submitted through response emails, and the winner will be announced in a post, and an email, and the reward will be a free book of any of my poetry or short stories that the winner is interested in owning.

Writing Prompt Wednesday

I also have a list where I will write short stories based on pictures every Saturday, I will start them as posts here on the blog, and then I will also send them out in emails if I get subscribers for them. I will compile the short stories into anthologies based on genres, and start publishing them. During contests these collections will be up for rewards.

Short Story Saturday


I promise not to spam anyone with emails, odds are that I won’t be able to update every week, but I will send updates when they are necessary. Thank you, and I hope to hear from some of you soon!